May he rest in peace, and thnks for all the laughs.
Jason Kidd Called Jaylen Brown The Celtics ‘Best Player’ And Explained Why
[image: tatum-brown-top]Getty Image Jason Kidd offered a high compliment
to Jaylen Brown (while also maybe trying to play some mind games with the
8 months ago
The world may've lost a great comedian who was a brilliant thinker or a great thinker who was brilliantly funny. I'm not sure which. I've been putting off doing a post on George, myself. HBO ran a marathon of his specials that I have on the recorder. I haven't collected my quotes from them yet though. Considering his passing, I find myself zoning out while watching him, sitting a bit in awe of his delivery instead of marking down the quotes. He really will be missed. I like your choice of video of him, showing him in a lighthearted routine, before his more curmudgeonly persona surfaced. It's all good...and tits does sound like a nickname! lol
He will be missed, I hope a new voice like his rises up to challenge us, but it will be a long time before we see someone like him again, if ever.
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